Reckful Lethal Damage Fail @ Blizzcon 2013 Hearthstone Invitational (Reckful vs Kripparrian)

BlizzCon 2013 Hearthstone Reckful vs Kripparrian Reckful was unaware of his lethal damage in the first match against Kripparrian and it cost him the game @ Blizzcon 2013 Hearthstone Innkeeper’s Invitational Mana turn 10 and Reckful had 1 spell damage in the field. He had Pyroblast and Frostbolt in his hand which makes 15 together with the 1 spell power. Kripparrian had only 14 health on his priest so Reckful could have ended the game on mana turn 10/10. Reckful didn’t recover from the lost in that roun
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