Does This make Volcano Hotends Obsolete? Bondtech CHT Review

Start your free trial at and use code CNCKITCHEN to get 10% off your first purchase. Bondtechs new CHT nozzle takes a new approach to the design of a high-flow 3D printing nozzle and shapes the meltzone instead of just making it longer. Bondtech claims at least 30% higher melt performance. I’ve thoroughly tested it and will tell you if this new product renders other high-flow setups obsolete. Website article: 💚 Support me 💚 Patreon: Join as a YouTube member! CNC Kitchen Threaded Inserts (EU Only): CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE Merch: Buy an Original Prusa i3 printer: PayPal: Shop at Matterhackers(US): Shop at 3DJake(EU): Shop at E3D: 🎙Check out The Meltzone Podcast:
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