Astronauts - Mathew Maokh ( Original Composition )

You can buy the song and it’s backing track on iTunes : ______________________________________ Hello everybody. It’s been a long time I haven’t post any originals, and I want to apologize for this, I was soooooooo busy, :) This one is called “ Astronauts “, and it’s one of my favorite guitar work. I love the atmosphere of the song, I’m just feeling like flowing when I’m playing this song. I didn’t want to make a song, who will be just like a 3 minutes solo. I worked on the atmosphere, on the ambiance, on the feeling. I really hope that I can share my emotions with all of you, and that you can feel it. When I played the song, I used a simple clean tone, and then, I added some effects ( Reverb, Delay ) with Cubase and many plugins included. I worked a lot on the drums for this one. When I pressed the “Enter button“ ( at 1:54 ), it’s just
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