Every self-respecting burger maker must come up with his burger recipe and at every opportunity start a song about how his burger is the best. So, what do I see as the right burger? Everything in order: - bun The first thing to pay attention to is the size of the bun, we recommend buns with a diameter of at least 4-5 in, otherwise, you risk not putting all the deliciousness into the burger. Next, the taste, of the bun should be tasty, as a rule, the bun takes up a quarter of the weight of the entire burger. A bun that is not tasty or tasteless is not suitable. We recommend choosing buns sprinkled with sesame seeds, moderately rich with a soft, not crispy crust. And, of course, the bun should be fresh. Before filling the burger, the bun must be caramelized (fried) using a toaster, grill, or a regular frying pan. - cutlet A proper burger should be made with a patty made of chopped veal or beef, brisket is perfect. The fat content of the meat should not exceed 15%, otherwise, the patt
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