Doomsday in China! Hurricane 190 km/h demolished hundreds of houses! Record hail in Zhejiang

Doomsday in China! Hurricane 190 km/h demolished hundreds of houses! Record hail in Zhejiang A powerful hurricane with winds reaching up to 190 km/h wreaked havoc in Zhejiang, China. The storm unleashed record-breaking hailstones, some measuring up to 8 centimeters in diameter. Caught off guard, many people sought shelter wherever they could as the storm descended upon the region. Hundreds of homes were left roofless, and dozens of billboards were torn apart by the fierce winds. Devastatingly, a significant portion of crops fell victim to the onslaught of hail, leaving agricultural losses in its wake. Naturals hazards in 2023 have become more frequent. We do not know what awaits us in 2025. How global warming and climate change will affect our Earth. Watch the most current news about natural disasters on our channel. My private Instagram page, which is not connected with YouTube is The channel lists such natur
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