The Cult of Destiny - Out of the Ashes (Official Video)

The Cult of Destiny is a Heavy-metal band based in Oslo Norway. The band contains members from Dimmu Borgir The Carburetors and Chrome Division. Eddie Guz founded the band in 2019 to celebrate his upbringing in the 80-s Out of Ashes is the first single from the upcoming album later this year. The track will definitely give you the Friday night metal felling with a great anthem chorus, and will fit everyone who has a relation with metal music. This is the first single of the upcoming album The Cult of Destiny. The Cult of Destiny is: Eddie Guz the frontman of The Carburetors and Chrome Divisio...n, Chris Marchand guitar in Shot at dawn, Tottal Tömming and The Carburetors, Mr. Damage Karlsen guitar in Breed and Chrome Division, Mads Mowinkel bass player in Hellish Outcast, Breed and Chrome Division and Jon Eirik Bokn Metal Militia, Tottal Tömming, Breed and Chrome Division. Together they form The Cult of Destiny. The Boy’s vision for this project is to give the fans and listeners the tot
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