The Australian Protocol

Australia takes the courage of it’s convictions US Half a billion free at home lateral flow tests Military (1,000) helping hospitals The omicron virus spread more rapidly than anyone thought Texas One omicron death Man in his 50s Underlying health conditions Unvaccinated Australia NSW, cases 3,763 Victoria, cases 1,503 Australian thinking To stop omicron with vaccination, near 100% efficacy with near 100% uptake With no waning Natural infection promotes antibody IgA (vaccines generate IgM then IgG Preventing vial replication in the upper airways Allowing omicron infection up to the point where hospitalisations are manageable Less pathogenic with shorter hospital stays Natural immunity giving cross immunity to the next variant Concurrent booster programme for the elderly and comorbid Over time need for pharmaceutical and NPIs will diminish If hospitalisations do rise, populat
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