Making of Takasaki Daruma

Takasaki Daruma is the most popular brand of Daruma in Japan. Eyebrows are represented by cranes. Noses and moustaches are represented by turtles. Featured on the face of Takasaki Daruma are two very auspicious animals in Japan. Takasaki Daruma is also known as good-luck Daruma or lucky Daruma. We’re using Takasaki Daruma for our exhibition “DARUMAX“. 200年以上も前から群馬県高崎市豊岡・八幡地域を中心に製造されている高崎だるま。 眉毛は鶴、鼻から口ヒゲは亀と、顔には縁起の良い二つの動物をお顔に表現され、「福だる&Изготовление Дарумы в Такасаки, Япония
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