What is Leukemia?

For Employees of Hospitals, Schools, Universities and Libraries: Download 8 FREE medical animations from Nucleus by signing up for a free trial: Biology students: Subscribe to the Nucleus Biology channel to see new animations on biology and other science topics, plus short quizzes to ace your next exam: You or someone you care about may have been diagnosed with leukemia. This video will help you understand more about this type of cancer and how it affects your body. Your blood contains fluid and three types of cells, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. These cells are made in the spongy center of your bones called bone marrow. All blood cells come from parents cells called stem cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to your body’s tissues. Platelets help your blood to clot and white blood cells help your body fight infections and any other harmful invaders or diseases. Leukemia is a cancer that or
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