Om Purnamadah Purnamidam | Morning Meditation Mantra For Abundance | Shanti Mantra
Om Purnamadah - Morning Meditation Mantra For Abundance - is a track from Mahakatha’s Blissful Mantras.
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⚡ About this Track / Mantra
You are listening to Om Purnamadah - the powerful mantra for abundance and manifestation.
This mantra creates a vibrational shift within you - guiding you from scarcity to abundance, from fear to trust and from helplessness to joy.
Practice this mantra every morning to enter the mindset of attraction - where all your desires will come true.
⚡ How to best experience this track
Listen daily for sustained benefit and be sure to be completely disengaged from any other task that requires your attention while listening.
Best experienced on headphones at a low volume.
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