Fashion Brand of the Year 2023 | Japan & The West

Support The Casual on Patreon: OR Support THECASUAL on Youtube by becoming a member! • It’s time for THECASUAL’s Inaugural Fashion Brand of the Year, where we celebrate the best in fashion from Japan and the West! Join Reggie in this annual tradition as we unveil the top brands that have left their mark on the fashion industry. From cutting-edge designs to cultural influences, we dive deep into what makes these brands stand out. • The Casual is the home of international fashion, culture, and lifestyle based in Tokyo, Japan. Keep it Casual. •••• Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:32 Japan BotY 03:42 AD 04:22 The West BotY 09:28 Outro ••••• Follow us THECASUAL on INSTAGRAM: REGGIE on INSTAGRAM: ••••• MUST READS!!! Purple Cow - Seth Godin: Ametora - W. David Marx: ht
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