00:00 Intro
Get Two Octo-masseuses For One Zombeast!
00:13 Test1
How does Bayfin Bodybuilder interact with Kidnap?
00:55 Test2
Minions that fall asleep due to Sleepy Resident cannot attack through their own effects.
01:17 Test3
When a hero with stolen Health dies, Screaming Banshee will trigger.
01:44 Test4
How does Eliza Goreblade interact with Mismatched Fossils?
02:21 Test5
Magatha will give spells affected by Surfalopod to your opponent.
02:44 Test6
The XB-931 Housekeeper summoned after using a location can trigger its effect immediately.
02:58 Test7
You can use two Octo-masseuses
...to craft a Zombeast.
03:22 Outro
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