【しいたけあられ】アンヘル【踊ってみた】 - Niconico Video sm38560036

Hailstone 3 solo videos ~ I am fascinated by adults! Thumbnails are also cool! ~ Shiitake “Hail! This time it’s a cool song, so the thumbnails are also cool!“ Hail “... (I’m sorry ...)“ Shiitake “Sit here!“ Hail “... (Eh! This ... on the mushroom?)“ Shiitake “That’s right! And I’m lazy!“ Hail “... (Is your hand lazy?)“ Shiitake “Ah! No! It’s different! Put on more parentheses and“ Dara-n “!“ Hail “... (Put it in parentheses,“ Dara-n “?)“ Shiitake “Ah! Already! I’m just looking cool!“ (Thus, I was able to take a nice thumbnail photo!) 撮影→∠コミ どうもありがとうございました! Dance: あられ ついった→ 師匠: しいたけ ついった→ ニコニコ→​ 他動画サイトへの転載はご遠慮下さい... 前作→ドーナツホール sm38512341 しいたけ 04/10/2021 12:00 Views 2,236
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