Istanbul Paralyzed! Turkey Mourning, Heavy Snowfall, Airports & Schools Closed | Natural Disasters

Istanbul Paralyzed! Turkey Mourning, Heavy Snowfall, Airports & Schools Closed | Natural Disasters As Turkey braced itself for the aftermath of summer floods, attention shifted towards the impending winter, anticipated to be more brutal than ever before. This shift was a stark reminder of the relentless force of natural disasters. From November 2023, Turkey’s winter, already a cold affair, was expected to intensify under the influence of El Niño, setting the stage for a season of challenging natural disasters. The onset of this natural disaster began on November 20th, when Turkey experienced its first snowfall of the year. Temperatures plunged below freezing, quickly blanketing the streets in white. Overnight, the city transformed into a bright, snowy landscape, roads and rooftops alike concealed under snow. This first snowfall, remarkably deeper than the previous year’s, hinted at the severe natural disasters awaiting the nation. Istanbul, Turkey’s bustlin
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