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Let’s get cracking!
List of paints and steps used for the not featured parts:
- Sword: Same paints, technique and steps as the Body
- Armour: Black, Drybrush/Stipple Gory Red, Glaze Gory Red to smooth out the surface, Highlight adding more and more Orange Fire to the Gory red until dots of pure Orange Fire.
- Gold: Basecoat Runelord Brass, AP Red Tone wash all over, Glaze Carrouburg Crimson on the lower sections to create a gradient, Highlight using Canoptek Alloy.
- Horns: Basecoat Ironwarriors, Drybrush/Stipple a gradient towards the top with Leadbelcher, Glaze Carrouburg Crimson towards the bottom, edge highlights using Leadbelcher and Vallejo Model Air Steel.
- Gems: Basecoat Sotek Green, Glaze Black towards the top right side, Highlights of Temple Guard Blue, Gauss Blaster green and white.
- Black
1 month ago 00:31:53 4
Tokyo Xtreme Racer - Customizing and Fully Upgrading 350Z