“Elder Souls“ Pao Pamaki Remix by Baptiste Sejourne, Dance by Mana Mei

Videography by Julie Romano Original music by Pao Pamaki & Baptiste Sejourne “White Phoenix“ Dance by Mana Mei A personal note from Mana Mei: For me, creating art has always been an offering of my Soul. What is given is immense- time, energy, focus, money, resources.. there is so much that goes into creating a beautiful and intentional work of art. And for many of the times, the offering is created without agenda of what will be received. It is not created for the intention of financial gain. It is not created for views or follows. It is not created as marketing or self-promotion. It is created because, as an artist, there is no other choice than to create when the inspiration is flowing. And there is always a deep level of trust and surrender that is asked of the artist. Surrender to the Soul. Trust that this offering will touch those who are meant to be touched by it. And knowing that being in the act of creation itself is the greatest reward. This piece came to me like a White Phoenix herself, undeniable in her conviction and ready to rise without question. I knew months ago that I needed to create this piece. Not knowing where it would happen, or who would create it with me, but none the less, the vision was there. The intention? To honor this incredible Rite of Passage into birthing my starseed into the world and continuing my lineage of wise women to walk this Earth and embody their light. I am so eternally grateful to the Universe for giving me the gift of artistic expression and passionate drive to continue making art happen. To the gift of always trusting that the right people will be there when I need them to enthusiastically support me in bringing my visions to life. I am grateful to my body for giving me the energy and physical ability to dance this fiery dance at 36 weeks pregnant. I am grateful to this Sacred land and elements for providing the Earth, Water, and Fire upon which I dance from endless inspiration. I am grateful to my unborn child for being so clear with her desires and messages and continuing to guide me into deeper artistic alignment. May this piece touch those who are meant to be touched by it
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