War in Ukraine: A week that shook the world | DW News

Since the first tanks rolled into eastern Ukraine early on February 24, Russia has intensified its attacks across Ukraine. Explosions and shelling have been reported in several major cities, including Kharkiv, Mariupol and the capital, Kyiv. On March 3, Russia announced that its troops had taken control of the strategic city of Kherson, in southern Ukraine. This map shows how far the Russian troops have advanced. Shortly after the attacks started, people began fleeing Ukraine’s cities and villages. They headed overland to neighboring countries in the west and southwest, forming huge lines at the border crossings. The European Union is preparing for millions of refugees to arrive in the bloc and has promised that all war refugees will be accepted. On March 2, the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly backed a motion to demand that Russia stop its offensive in Ukraine and withdraw all its troops, deploring Russia’s “aggression“ against Ukraine “in the strongest terms.“ Gen
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