Murphy Lab Artist Series: John Osborne

In this episode of the Murphy Lab Artist Series, guitarist John Osborne from Brothers Osborne talks about old guitars, how they age, and their little idiosyncrasies as he tries the new Gibson Custom Shop Murphy Lab-aged guitars and shares his thoughts with viewers. As he plays the guitars, John comments about how he loves the way vintage guitars check, the various ways the finish checking occurs, and how it makes each guitar special. As he tries out a 1963 Firebird V With Maestro Vibrola from the Murphy Lab, he discusses the “insane“ checking and notes the way the guitar “rings“ as he plays it. He also says that “if you told me this was a 1963 I would 100% believe you.“ He tries out a Murphy Lab-aged 1959 Les Paul Standard and offers his thoughts about the “really good weight.“ John remarks that “a guitar eventually has to learn that it’s no longer a tree; that takes a lot of time and a lot of playing“ and that while the Murphy Lab-aged 1959 Les Paul Standard “still thinks it’s a tree, it doesn’t sound like
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