Rescuing a live flying-fox on powerlines: this is Champ
Champ is a juvenile male Black Flying-Fox who was noticed on the powerlines, still alive, by a lovely passing MOP (member of public). She called for rescue and stated categorically that the bat was still alive.
We quite regularly get calls stating the bat is alive, but when you get there, the bat is just being twisted and moved by the wind, but this call was different. Her description was: the bat is moving its head, following her with its eyes, flapping its wings at the local birds who got too up close and personal, and occasionally licking itself. I love this description because right away I could tell that the bat was actually alive, (without even leaving home) and that the movement was purposeful, not merely blowing in the breeze. She further followed it up by going back and taking a video and sending it to me when I called her. Awesome lady.
I called the energy company and sent in the video to show the bat was alive, and waited and waited. I tried to get them to tell me how the call wa