In 2022 we worked on the five-part series of The Crash (Rampvlucht) that won the award (‘Gouden Kalf’) for best drama series at The Netherlands Film Festival 2022. We proudly present our VFX breakdown!
On October 4, 1992 an El Al Boeing 747 crashes on the Bijlmermeer. The Netherlands is suddenly world news. Two journalists sink their teeth into an investigation that leads to the much-discussed parliamentary inquiry in 1998. 30 years after the disaster a five-part series The Crash ‘Rampvlucht’ is released about the events.
The Crash is the first high end drama series in The Netherlands that made extensive use of the powerful features of In Camera VFX (ICVFX).
Next to ICVFX Planet X’ VFX department was responsible for recreating the crash site. The complete area was reconstructed in CG - not only the surrounding apartment buildings and landscape but also the wrecked buildings, the debris-filled crash site, the airplane components, the fire and smoke inferno, the multitude of fire fighters, fire-trucks with water hoses, ambulances and the machinery involved in cleaning up the wreckage the days after the disaster.
More information and ICVFX breakdown:
Director: Lourens Blok, Edson da Conceicao
DOP: Aage Hollander
Production design: Ben Zuydwijk
Grading: Bart Verraest
Editors: Moek de Groot, Stanley Kolk
Produced by Big Blue Series,
Series created by: Micael Leendertse
VP shot at ReadySet Studios in Amsterdam
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