Using Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Python to Monitor Cisco Router - #DEVNET CCNA

I went a little CRAZY getting this to I did Python, Arduino, Raspberry was able to monitor some router statistics on the Cisco CSR 1000v using a REST API!!! It was so much fun!!! 🎄🎄NetworkChuck 10 Days of Christmas🎄🎄 DAY 4 GIVEAWAY: Elegoo Arduino Starter Kit 🔥🔥ENTER TO WIN: 🔥🔥 Elegoo Arduino Starter Kit ➡️➡️ 💣💣DROP a BOMBal 💣💣 Today’s Course: GNS3 Associate Course - the OFFICIAL NetworkChuck Coffee MUG Get a Raspberry Pi: 2018 - 10 Days of Christmas Playlist: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ℹ Official Website: **Below you will find what are known as affiliate links. Basically, links to really great stuff I use that, if you buy, I will receive a super small kickback that helps support this channel. Thanks!!** -------
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