VICTORIAN AMBIENCE: Victorian London Thunderstorm (Horses, Bells, Walking on Cobblestone)

A million thank-yous to the kind and incredibly talented Florent Tunno for giving me permission to use his beautiful artwork for this Victorian ambience! Check out his work here: I hope you brought your umbrellas, folks! I wanted to do a sort of remake of my last Victorian era street ambience and fix some of the mistakes in that one (like the crickets, which made no sense in that scene, and the rain sound, which could have been richer). I got rid of the fireflies, too, and kept the animations super simple to give that barren, desolate feel. I also added dry, rolling thunder to this ambience, as it was requested a number of times! So strap yourselves into the time machine, because this week we’re once again heading back to the Victorian era, to a rainy and abandoned street, in the midst of a thunderstorm. Some sounds you’ll hear in this Victorian London ambience are: Thunderstorm sounds, horses, bells, people talking in the distance, people walking on cobblestone and
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