The Weird Sisters, 3x32 Reel for 3C, студия «Каменный мост», Воронеж, 26 июня 2022

The Weird Sisters 3x32 Reel for 3C (Triangular Set) by Sue McKinnell Partners end facing after the bow and curtsey. 1-4 All turn petronella to end with the women back-to-back in the center facing partners. All set. 5-8 Women dance RH across once round to end facing CW taking nearer hands with partners. (Couples form spokes of a wheel, but women have dropped right hands in the center.) 9-12 All set and link with partners to end with the men with RH joined in the center. (Women remain in position as if they were still forming spokes in a wheel, ready for...) 13-16 Men dance RH across once round to end facing CW taking nearer hands with partners. (Couples form spokes of a wheel, but men have dropped right hands in the center.) 17-20 All set and link with partners to end with women taking RH in the center and nearer hands with partners. 21-24 All advance two positions around the set, dancing in a wheel, and end women back-to-back in the center facing partners. Order is 2, 3, 1. 25-
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