Vladimir Putin inaugurated as President of - В.Путин.Инаугурация

Владимир Путин.Церемония инаугурации Президента России. 7 мая 2012 года Москва Vladimir Putin inaugurated as President of Russia. May 7, 2012 The Kremlin, Moscow Владимир Путин вступил в должность Президента России. The inauguration ceremony took place in the Grand Kremlin Palace. The ceremony opened with the Russian State Flag, Presidential Standard, Russian Constitution, and the Symbol of Presidential Office were brought into the Grand Kremlin Palace’s St Andrew Hall. The President-elect swore an oath of loyalty to the Russian people and was officially declared head of state by President of the Constitutional Court Valery Zorkin. Approximately 3,000 people were invited to attend the ceremony, including members of the Russian Federation Government, State Duma deputies and members of the Federation Council, Constitutional Court judges, and representatives of other federal bodies of state power. Members of Vladimir Putin’s presidential election cam
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