360 video, Victoria Falls. The Biggest Waterfall of Africa. 5K aerial video in RUSSIAN

!! This video with English narration: This video without any narration: Don’t forget that this is 360 video: you can change the angle of view. Our trip to the Victoria waterfall was not an easy one. We had to take several airplane routes, traveled through climatic zones and, as a result, it took us more than 24 hours to get to Livingstone. Today we present you a full 360 video clip. See the beauty of this waterfall with us. 360 photopanoramas and story of shooting of the widest waterfall in the world: If you enjoyed this video please like, share, comment, favorite, subscribe: We regularly publish new 360 videos of the most beautiful places on our planet! 360° photos and videos, stories of our shootings, articles and FAQ you can find on our website: #AirPano #AirPanoNature #VictoriaFalls #drone #360video #waterfall #zambia #zim
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