Amusing and unseen pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger | sylvester Stallone |Franco Columbu ~kidzcandy

Amusing pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger | sylvester Stallone | James Cameron ~rare pictures Arnold Arnold Schwarzenegger pays emotional tribute as ’best friend’ Franco Columbu dies This article is more than 11 months old Actor says life was ‘more complete’ because of his ‘partner in crime’ and fellow bodybuilder who has died aged 78 The Italian bodybuilder and actor Franco Columbu, whom Arnold Schwarzenegger called his “best friend” in a moving tribute on social media, has died aged 78. A two-time Mr Olympia, Columbu appeared alongside Schwarzenegger in The Terminator, the Running Man and Conan the Barbarian. He died in hospital in his native Sardinia on Friday afternoon after taking ill while swimming in the ocean, the Associated Press reported Columbu was best known for his decades-long friendship with Schwarzenegger. In a heartfelt tribute posted to Instagram, the actor and former governor of California said his life was “more fun, more colourful, and more complete” thanks t
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