Garland Nixon - Iago Syndrome: The Weaponization of Self-Destructive Rage in Ukraine
Veteran Washington, journalist Garland Nixon spoke to the EIR Symposium “Peace On Earth, Or Humanity’s Doom? The Case For Negotiations,“ next on the topic of “The Iago Syndrome: The Weaponization of Self-Destructive Rage in Ukraine.” He began by posing the question “How did we get here?” and cited a recent poll indicating that an alarming number of Americans supported the war in Ukraine while knowing it could threaten nuclear war. Nixon masterfully described how psychological warfare is used either to create rage, or to manipulate existing rage for the purpose of causing working people to believe their interests align with those of the rich and powerful.
The creation of rage operates by convincing people that the leader of a country is evil. For example, there is no Syria, only the evil leader Assad; no Venezuela, only Maduro; never say Russia, only say Putin this or Putin that. According to Nixon, the oligarchs can then put this rage to geopolitical use by getting people to be