Andrew Hall: Lightning-Scarred Planet Earth, Part 1 | Space News

EU2017: Future Science -- Rebroadcast—only $29: Within the Electric Universe community, a growing number of inquirers are exploring the surface of our planet, identifying the indelible marks left by high-energy electrical discharges. In this episode, Thunderbolts colleague Andy Hall continues his remarkable series of presentations with this two-part exploration of the lightning-scarred Earth. Andy’s blog of the same title as this video: If you see a CC with this video, it means that subtitles are available. To find out which ones, click on the Gear Icon in the lower right area of the video box and click on “subtitles” in the drop-down box. Then click on the subtitle that you would like. Don’t miss the NEW Patreon rewards for 2017 at PATREON— “Changing the world through the understanding of the Electric Universe.” Sub
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