This is How My Son Does Dishes

Frankie asked if I could put Smooth Criminal on while he did the dishes. Wasn’t long before I heard rustling coming from the kitchen. PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU COMMENT: This channel is kid-friendly and I will mod the comments to reflect that. FRANKIE UPDATE: Thank you so much for all of the kind comments! Franklin was very excited about hitting a million views this morning. The kids at school have been super supportive and excited for Franklin. He is lucky to have such fantastic classmates. Frankie’s mom, my wife Jen, asked Frankie if he wanted anything special for hitting a million views. He asked her to help him make banana ice cream. We also had pizza tonight, which made for less dishes. THE MUSIC: How can you not move to Michael? While I believe the manner in which we are using it is “fair use“, we have not and will not run ads on this video. If the owners of the copyright on this music would like to run ads on the video, that is their choice and they wo
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