LIVE: Japan Issues Warnings After North Korea Fires ‘Unidentified Projectile’ | Kim Jong Un | CNBC TV18
North Korea fired an unidentified projectile on a southern path off its west coast on Monday, South Korea’s military said, hours after Pyongyang said it would be launching a satellite some time before June 4.
The launch would likely be the nuclear-armed North’s attempt to place a second spy satellite into orbit.
The Japanese government issued an emergency warning on Monday for residents in the south to take cover from the possible threat of a North Korean missile, before lifting the warni and saying it was not expected to fly over Japanese territory.
North Korea fired an unidentified projectile on a southern path off its west coast on Monday, South Korea’s military said, leading Japan to warn residents to take cover.
The launch appeared to originate from Dongchang-ri, a northwestern area of the country where North Korea’s main space flight centre is based, the South’s Joint ChiShow more