No Words Left | Sad Piano Piece

Help support me on Patreon! Hello everyone, I have returned with another original piece: No Words left. This is my first composition under my new name, Elysian. (My previous name was CallOfDutyPiano, but was changed due to obvious reasons.) This is one of the songs I have written for my future album: Stories of the Sky. I composed this song in light of a situation a loved one of mine was in a few weeks ago. Her grandfather had a health complication and nobody knew if he was going to wake back up. This had a very negative impact on her, as she was raised by her grandparents nearly half of her life. I wrote this for their relationship specifically, but this also applies to any other relationship that someone might have, that is coming to an end or in a sad situation where you need comfort. Just remember, someone is always there. Enjoy :)
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