Wayland and various toolkits running from a Live CD

UPDATE: They already have Wayland supporting input redirection! This video shows the Wayland display server running some apps. This video was put together with KdenLive, and the flashing red dot that you might notice is the screen reflecting the light on the camera. The Live CD has the Wayland display server on it, and various toolkits. It does start to xorg, and there it has an icon for launching Wayland nested in X. If you want to start it native, switch to tty1 by hitting ctrl-alt-f1, and typing sudo westoncaller. to go back to X switch to TTY 7 or 8, by hitting ctrl-alt-f7, or ctrl-alt-f8. The live distribution with Wayland is called Rebecca Black Linux, because I am a fan of her. (It’s similar to those other distros that appeared,Justin Bieber Linux, and Hannah Montana Linux... ...Only with an included Wayland server) The Live CD can be downloaded from
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