Country: International
Genre: Progressive/Thrash/Groove Metal
Release date: September 8th, 2023 (September 20th, 2023 CD/LP)
Label: Independent
01. 00:00. Symposium
02. 01:12. Those That Should Not Exist
03. 06:13. Last Of Our Kind
04. 12:43. Forging The Locus
05. 17:45. Keep The Dream
06. 22:23. Maximus Metallus
07. 27:58. Divine Future
08. 32:45. When All Around You Is Madness
09. 40:41. Timeless Soul Cure
10. 45:46. She
47 min of Purest Metal one can find.
Even there is no need to put moniker, but as someone describe it, its first ever “Thrash Metal Opera“. At least something in that vein. This is also conceptual album as well as all songs are independent on its own.
It starts very muddy and dark and it ends on very bright side. One travel through life and emotions done as not often in todays Music. And, needless to say, different.
We hope you like it, this was BIG task to fill. 14 Musicians all around the world is jus
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5 months ago 00:03:16 1
Результаты по: Расслоению аневризмы аорты, Забитости сосудов головного мозга, Отмена операции!!!
5 months ago 00:10:40 1
Как помочь своему животу, позвоночнику, ногам: суставам, венам через брюшную аорту.