Life Is Complicated by Local Maxima (Simulation)

Life as an optimization problem using simple simulations. We know that DNA based life replicates and reproduces exponentially but because of resource limitations it will hit a ceiling and due to the internal struggle it optimizes itself for surviving better, hence, the survival of the fittest is becoming the objective of life. The purpose of this simulation is not to present the state-of-the-art algorithms but to bridge and link the terms that are used in the Machine Learning world and the ones that are used in the biological and the political world by making these toy simulations and easily digestible videos to both parties. I believe the Machine learning world can give so much to the other fields because life in essence is a survival optimization problem where everything is complicated by being stuck at a Local Maximum. Important Note: Some experts say that Local Maxima doesn’t matter in very high dimensional landscapes. This is true if the convergence speed doesn’t matter and also if a
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