{(Watch it in the Best quality - 720 and beyond)}
This is my first time vidding on DC and it couldn’t have been a better start than an iconic character itself. The Joker. More specifically, Heath Ledger’s portrayal of the joker in The Dark Knight. A few days ago I decided to watch Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy again and I haunted by this sinister character in TDK. I mean, I get chills every time I think about him. For real. THAT is how good Heath was in playing the joker. He brought this character to complete life, made it absolutely evil to the point where you thanked the stars he was merely fictional. And he was unrecognizable! I could only barely catch a glimpse of heath’s facial features when he was looking to the side, I could just about recognize him because of his nose tbh. But other than that, you could not have guessed who was behind all of that makeup. ..omg I can’t even speak right now. 8 years ago. Exactly 8 years ago we lost him but his legacy will go on forever. Rest in peace, Heath. ♥
I put a lot of effort into this video even though i’m not that good of an editor, but I hope it turned out alright. :)
Also, HD movies and clips in general kill my editor with the slow playback and all, so I’m pretty proud I did all of this in one go without rendering again. ^_^
Fandom: The Joker /heathledger
Song: Control / Halsey
Software: Sony Vegas 12
Copyright Disclaimer:::
I own nothing. Just a fan.
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2 months ago 00:01:02 1
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