Love Hate & Propaganda: The Cold War - Episode 4: War of Words

In the 1980s, three men - three new voices - speak out and change the rules of the Cold War. American president Ronald Reagan, a staunch anti-communist, heats up the Cold War. His words will resonate around the world. A Polish pope, John Paul II, will have a profound influence on Union Leader Lech Walesa. As a result Walesa will move from issues surrounding the trade union movement to wider issues concerning human liberty and human rights. The two will galvanize Poland and rattle the Iron Curtain. The Soviet Union will face growing dissent fueled by the disconnect between the propaganda myths of the 50s and reality of their faltering economy and repressive society. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev’s call for change will unleash dramatic events that will ultimately dissolve the Soviet empire. ©2011 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation / Radio-Canada Love Hate & Propaganda: The Cold War - The Playlist:
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