Mount and blade 2 Bannerlord Sturgia vs Sturgia or ancient russian showdown captain mode

11th century ... Medieval Rus bleeds in civil wars ... Two warring princes Rurikovich decided to find out the relationship on the battlefield. However, why did they have the urge to do this in the desert, the story is silent). In this battle, everything led to defeat: the allies attacking out of place, and not attacking when necessary, and not wanting to cover from arrows. But in spite of everything, a vigorous battle turned out to be a vigorous russian pegan metal music. The fight is also interesting as a bug: in the first round seven people went for my team instead of six, then threw the seventh member of the team, but the enemy was given more units, so in the 6 by 6 battle we were still in the minority. 11 век... Средневековая Русь истекает кровью в междоусобных войнах... Два враждующих князя Рюриковича решили выяснить отношения на поле боя. Однако почему им приспичило это сделать в пустыне история умалчивает). В этом бою все вело к поражению: союзники атакующие не к месту, и не атакующие когда надо, и
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