Zen Meditation - 🧘🏻 Shakuhachi - 尺八 息観 Sokkan

🎶 Brano suonato ed interpretato da Jo Pinna (cantante, armonicista e suonatore / costruttore di flauti shakuhachi) 🎶Song played and interpreted by Jo Pinna (singer, harmonica player and player / maker of shakuhachi flutes) 🎶 が演奏し解釈した曲 ジョーフィン (歌手、ハーモニカ奏者、尺八フルートの奏者/製作者 🔹BUY A SHAKUHACHI: 🔸HONKYOKU: 🔸SOUNDTRACK AND FOLK: 🔸FUKUDA RANDO: 🔸BLUES AND JAZZ: 🔹Se sei interessato a comprare uno shakuhachi: 🔹If you are interested to buy a shakuhachi: 🔹尺八を買うことに興味があるなら: *CONTACT ME*: *🌐 *📬 shakuhachijo@ *📸 *🤳 *👤 📱 39 379 1793387 Telegram or whatsapp #bambooflute #shakuhachi #flutemusic #zenmusic #honkyoku
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