THIS IS KENJUTSU - Samurai Sword Documentary (2023)
This mini-documentary was produced by Antony Cummins and the Samurai and Ninja Historical Research Team. It was filmed and edited in Velencia by the European Bugei Society. It is a demonstration based on our translation of the document known as the Shinkage-Ryu Heiho Mokuroku no Koto (新陰流兵法目録事). This document goes by a verity of names as is shown in the documentary but is often simply known as the Yagyu Ryu picture scroll. It must be fully understood that this document was not written by a single person, it was an amalgamation of knowledge which was developed between the 16th and 18th centuries and therefore contains contradictions within its own text. Our team has analysed all the available related medieval scrolls to provide the most accurate translation we can, yet still, there is room for improvement. It could be said that this demonstration is 90% accurate but parts may change depending on new information or a better interpretation because much of
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9 years ago 00:07:41 18.4K
This is Хорошо - Прожарка и побег Володи #531
12 years ago 00:04:59 12.2K
This is Холокост s^_^s [This is Holocaust]
8 years ago 00:04:39 14.9K
This is Хорошо - Покемоногеддон! #539
4 years ago 00:02:48 295
12 years ago 00:05:22 52
This is MOTOCROSS, this is LIFE
13 years ago 00:51:33 7.4K
This is Хорошо на Tv5 (Без Цензуры)
10 years ago 00:03:26 6.9K
This is eSport!
11 years ago 00:02:37 130
This is DreamHack
8 years ago 00:05:43 12K
This is Хорошо - Мой рулон. #537
8 years ago 00:06:00 17.5K
This is Хорошо - Подразни змею. #534
5 years ago 00:05:29 43
This is Britain Food
8 years ago 00:06:20 11.5K
This is Хорошо - Укротитель медведей. #535
11 years ago 00:02:41 198
This is Nostalgie
8 years ago 00:04:31 12.2K
This is Хорошо - Анальная чакра! #538
8 years ago 00:04:59 13.1K
This is Хорошо - Бить людей. #545
10 years ago 00:03:13 249
This is Downhill
8 years ago 00:06:19 11.7K
This is Хорошо - Подождать низзя? #544
6 years ago 00:05:45 7.2K
This is Хорошо - #666
5 years ago 00:08:11 118
This is Britain Christmas
5 years ago 00:04:47 53
This is Britain - Hallowen
8 years ago 00:06:20 10.6K
This is Хорошо - Просрали груз. #551
8 years ago 00:05:19 10.9K
This is Хорошо - Без дыры в DNIWE. #541
13 years ago 01:20:47 3.1K
This is Хорошо на RadioNABA [Осторожно, полтора часа!]