Chinese Listening Practice HSK1/ Self-introduction in Chinese/ Easy Chinese Story

This video contains 64 HSK1 words, listed in order as follows: 1. 我 (wǒ) - I, me 2. 叫 (jiào) - to be called, to name 3. 二 (èr) - two 4. 十 (shí) - ten 5. 五 (wǔ) - five 6. 岁 (suì) - years old 7. 是 (shì) - to be 8. 人 (rén) - person, people 9. 来 (lái) - to come 10. 北京 (Běijīng) - Beijing 11. 三 (sān) - three 12. 年 (nián) - year 13. 了 (le) - (particle indicating a completed action) 14. 老师 (lǎoshī) - teacher 15. 有 (yǒu) - to have, there is/are 16. 多 (duō) - many, much 17. 学生 (xuéshēng) or(xuésheng)both are correct- student 18. 喜欢 (xǐhuan) - to like 19. 的 (de) - (possessive particle) 20. 工作 (gōngzuò) - work, job 21. 下 (xià) - under, below 22. 看 (kàn) - to see, to watch 23. 书 (shū) - book 24. 电影 (diànyǐng) - movie, film 25. 家 (jiā) - family, home 26. 爸爸 (bàba) - father, dad 27. 妈妈 (māma) - mother, mom 28. 都 (dōu) - both, all 29. 在 (zài) - at, in, on 30. 很 (hěn) - very 31. 想 (xiǎng) - to want, to miss 32. 他们 (tāmen) - they, them 33. 打电话 (dǎ diànhuà) - to make a phone call 34. 和 (hé) - and 35. 医生 (yīshēng) - doctor 36. 一 (yī) - one 37. 大 (dà) - big, large 38. 医院 (yīyuàn) - hospital 39. 你 (nǐ) - you 40. 什么 (shénme) - what 41. 时候 (shíhòu) - time, moment 42. 能 (néng) - can, to be able to 43. 回 (huí) - to return, to go back 44. 对不起 (duìbuqǐ) - sorry 45. 学校 (xuéxiào) - school 46. 爱 (ài) - love 47. 个 (gè) - (measure word for individuals) 48. 好 (hǎo) - good, well 49. 朋友 (péngyǒu) - friend 50. 她 (tā) - she, her 51. 名字 (míngzi) - name 52. 中国 (Zhōngguó) - China 53. 汉语 (Hànyǔ) - Chinese language 54. 去 (qù) - to go 55. 饭店 (fàndiàn) - restaurant, hotel 56. 吃 (chī) - to eat 57. 菜 (cài) - dish, cuisine 58. 喝 (hē) - to drink 59. 茶 (chá) - tea 60. 买 (mǎi) - to buy 61. 衣服 (yīfu) - clothes 62. 谢谢 (xièxie) - thank you 63. 认识 (rènshi) - to know, to recognize 64. 高兴 (gāoxìng) - happy, glad Hope you find my video helpful. Thank you so~ much for watching❤️ If you want to take a 1:1 class with me, please contact me on Preply⬇️ I sincerely hope to help you learn Chinese. Can’t wait to see you 🤝
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