Re-edit - The Last Tiger - The real history of Vimoutiers Tiger - Battle of Normandy.
Originally uploaded on Aug 12, 2019.
The Last Tiger - The real history of Vimoutiers Tiger - Battle of Normandy.
Tiger I Ausf. E Late at Vimoutiers, France.
This late-production Tiger, with steel road-wheels, is one of the several remaining Tigers of the 102nd SS Heavy Panzer Battalion and originally carried the number 224 on the side of its turret. But many sites still claim it’s the tank that carried the turret number 231, but that Tiger was commanded by Hans Lorits and was knocked out at Ussy on august 14, Lorits had an impressive amount of tank kills, but was killed with it’s crew at Ussy, 45 kilometres from vimoutiers. The Tiger at Vimoutiers was actually commanded by Unterscharführer Reisske and on august 20 his Tiger participated in a counter-attack launched from Vimoutiers to Trun in an attempt to breakthrough the Falaise’s pocket. They took several key roads to Vimoutiers but because of close combat in the area the Germans took a lot of casualties. On the southwest