The American Paratrooper Who Liberated Rotterdam - WWII Then & Now

The Netherlands was officially liberated on May 5, 1945 and each year the country celebrates Liberation Day on this date. But even though The Netherlands was liberated on May 5, it wasn’t until several days later that Canadian troops arrived to occupy the cities that hadn’t been liberated before. Yet, an American paratrooper managed to be the first liberator in town. ---------------------------------- HIRE US! SNAFU DOCS believes in innovative ways to research the past, preserve history and create memory. We believe that film forms a very imporant link in this chain, but our young, talented and academic spirit goes far beyond that. Our team has worked with several international companies, institutions, local governments and documentary projects. Let us help you research, preserve and remember. Contact us today and see what the possibilities are. ★★ INTERESTING WORLD WAR II STUFF ★★
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