How to SHOOT a Fight Scene (taught by Stuntmen) Camera Tips

Hollywood stuntmen show how to shoot a fight scene. Here we cover fight camera work and the filming tricks we use in all fight scenes. FIGHT TUTORIAL PLAYLIST: WATCH PART 3: In this action filmmaking tutorial series, Hollywood stuntmen Rustic Bodomov and Justin Gant break down how to film a fight scene in the safest, fastest, and best looking way. Justin’s Channel: Subscribe and come back next week for episode 3! In this Action Filmmaking series we will teach you how to film fights, how to choreograph a fight scene, how to be a stuntman, and give you tricks on cinematography as well as movement. Rustic’s STUNT REEL: I want to teach you EVERYTHING I know, so I can help other youtubers and filmmakers like me when I was first starting out. People are going to do action scenes ANYWAYS, and I want to teach them how the pros do it safely and make it l
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