Yandex Software-Defined LiDAR

This video outlines our software-defined approach to using the main lidar. At the beginning of the video, you will see our system using a standard scanning pattern. However, once the car pulls in to a narrow side street filled with pedestrians, the system switches to a close-up scanning pattern. Later, as the car pulls out onto a large, multi-lane highway, the system moves to a long-range scanning pattern in order to better identify objects in the distance. This video depicts the point cloud from the central lidar only. Each self-driving vehicle is equipped with additional lidars to detect small and medium-sized objects directly in front of, or beside, the car. Find out more about software-defined lidar in our blog:  В этом видео показано, как работает гибкая настройка параметров при использовании главного лидара. В начале система использует стандартный паттерн сканирования. При въезде на узкую улицу с
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