Tree of Life: Unlocked - The Mystery of the 11th Sefira - - Start your FREE 14-DAY trial. Start now to get the FULL KabU experience including courses, student forums, and exclusive live weekly events on Zoom.
The ancient Sefer Yetzirah sternly cautions readers not to think there are 9 or 11 Sefirot, instead of 10. What if this was actually an elusive clue to how the Ten Sefirot come alive in you?
Join Gianni in this Kabbalah Explained Simply as we explore the key to the Ten Sefirot hiding in plain sight for thousands of years.
00:00 Introduction
00:50 What Is the Purpose of the Wisdom of
3:12 Why Did the Kabbalists Oblige Each Person to Study the Wisdom of Kabbalah?
8:15 Why You Don’t Need to Know Hebrew to Understand the Sefirot
9:55 The Sefirot in Sefer Yetzirah
11:44 Explaining the Sefirot
13:37 The Sefira of Keter
15:57 The Sefira of Hochma
19:55 The Sefira of Bina
21:07 The Sefira of Da’at
23:10 The Sefira of Hesed
29:28 The Power of Emotions in Understanding
32:50 The General Zeir Anpin
35:09 The Sefira of Malchut
38:40 Why Are There 10 Sefirot and Not 9?
43:59 The Mystery of the 11th Sefira
48:23 Is Da’at Forbidden?
50:20 Is There a Correlation Between the Fool in the Tarot and Da’at?
50:28 Does Da’at Travel?
52:42 Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on the Quality of Da’at
54:58 The 3-Day Leap: The NA Annual KabU Retreat
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