How Can Kabbalah Benefit Us in Our Life? #kabbalahinfo #kabbalah #wisdom

How can Kabbalah benefit us in our life? Can we understand who we are and what we are supposed to do with our life through studying Kabbalah? How can we come to sense that we exist in a benevolent world with meaning and purpose? Kabbalah is a wisdom that explains the one unique and unified force operating throughout nature. Today, humanity is reaching the conclusion that it does not know anything about life’s purpose, and that it must know answers to essential questions about the meaning and purpose of our lives: “Who are we?” “What are we?” “Where do we come from?” and “Where are we headed?” We need to know how we should live, and how we can solve our problems and heal ourselves as we head into the future. Kabbalah helps us reach such an understanding. It helps us feel nature and reality in its full depth and width. We then come to feel that we know the world that we exist in, and that the world cannot be hostile toward us.
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