DOUBLE BARREL 10 Gauge Goose Hunt Challenge!! (BAD IDEA)

Kansas Goose hunting is really ramping up!! Thankfully we had some bigguns to take down those SKYBUSTERS!!! LOL GET ALL DUX GEAR HERE- GET MY DUX HAT HERE- GET DUX THERMAL GEAR HERE- EMAIL ME FOR BUSINESS INQUIRES- bobguy888@ Want to join the DUX Pro Staff? Email: duxprostaff@ and include your social media following numbers and in under 150 words why we should select you to be a part of the Pro Staff! DUX PRO STAFF SHIRT - DUX CAMO HOODIE - DUX GUN STICKER - Social Media INSTAGRAM MINE- DUX- SNAPCHAT- MINE- bobguy888 Facebook MINE- DUX-
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