Массаж ног..... Просто слушайте 4 минуты, в вашем теле произойдут явные изменения, немедленный эф... - YouTube
Foot Massage: Just Listen For 4 Minutes, Your Body Will Have Clear Changes, Immediate Effect
Meditative Vibes channel includes also:
Meditation music
For your short and long meditation or yoga sessions, to balance your body and spirit. Here you can find the music suitable for your taste.
Healing Frequencies Music
Frequencies of these tracks have been chosen for a specific situation like sleep or anxiety problems, or to accompany meditations.
Binaural Beats
Brain waves for intelligence, happiness, sleep and meditation.
Chakra Meditation Music
This playlist can improve the balance of your key chakras and bring your health and mental attitude into a more peaceful state. Namaste
Relaxing Music
These tracks can be used in any situation: as a background while you are working, in relaxation moments after a stressful day or just when you like.
Guided Meditation
Let a pleasant
1 view
9 years ago 00:05:03 172
Массаж ног
6 years ago 00:03:08 13
массаж ног
5 years ago 00:00:52 18
Стоун-массаж: массаж ног
5 years ago 00:13:20 47
4 years ago 00:15:51 12
Общий массаж тела – массаж стоп, массаж ног и бедер #2