This is the top 10 of the best waves in Nazare on February 21, 2024: The day “Gigantes de Nazare“ was filmed.
A television event where surfers compete for the best performance and the biggest wave of the day. After carefully analyzing all the waves surfed on the date, this is our selection of the top 10 waves.
Lucas Chumbo stands out as always above the rest of the surfers: proving once again that he is several steps ahead of the rest.
Although some may find it hard to say and others to admit, it’s a matter of seeing his waves in each swell to realize that this is the plain truth. It was a day of much action in which the swell gradually grew, at times feeling more favored by the tides.
Beyond these outstanding surfers, all the surfers in the water were able to catch incredible waves.
Congratulations also to the pilots who dropped the surfers on these waves and who took care of carrying out great rescues in one of the biggest swells of the season. “Gigantes de Nazare“ was a success again and soon you will be able to watch the official competition on television. Here is our list of winners:
Surfer: @lucaschumbo
Pilot: @lucasfink
Surfer: @lucaschumbo
Pilot: @lucasfink
Surfer: @alessandramarinelli
Pilot: @alemaodemaresias
Surfer: @lucaschumbo
Pilot: @lucasfink
Surfer: @lucasfink
Pilot: @lucaschumbo
Surfer: @katzsurf
Pilot: @ivo_cacao
Surfer: @willyamsantana
Pilot: @ericrebiere
Surfer: @michelledosbouillons
Pilot: @iancosenza
Surfer: @froismanuel
Pilot: @nandofernandees
Surfer: @vitorfariasurfer
Pilot: @rodrigokoxa
#nazareportugal #surfing #gigantesdenazare
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