A hebrew channel shared this video saying Tribal members in Papua New Guinea showing support with israel

A hebrew channel shared this video saying “Tribal members in Papua New Guinea showing support with israel“ Part of the squatters comments : -What pride for the Kingdom of Judah these are their supporters 🤦 -A huge success for Bibi who brought us new partners with advanced military technology -Let’s bring them to israel, they are cannibals who will eat the traitorous leftists and the Arabs -The truth is, if I saw such a group running towards me, I would run away It can be used against Hamas -It would be better if they didn’t publish their support -Apparently Bibi planted the flag on them, they don’t know about it at all -These are humans or a pony? -First of all, get rid of the Africans in South Tel Aviv. -“We are going to eat all Hamas terrorists as traditional culture“ Источник: Lord Of War
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